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Dec. 08
They’re almost gone...but I couldn’t help pulling out a column I wrote about our near invisible
vice president.  He was born Richard Bruce Cheney on January 30, 1941.  He is presently in a five
personal year (1 + 30 + 2008 = 2039 which equals 5).  I find it interesting that both he and W are
in the same personal year.  In 2009 he will be in a six personal year.  Things starting under the six
vibration tend to be chronic and/or long lasting.  One can only hope his departure from public
office will be permanent. 

His first subchallenge is two, his second three, and his major challenge is one.  The two
subchallenge makes him supersensitive to criticism and makes it difficult for him to work
cooperatively with others.  His three subchallenge can cause him to either not communicate at all
or do so in an obnoxious and aggressive manner (not a real surprise).  One is the challenge of
independence.  It deals with keeping a balance of not letting oneself get pushed around and not
becoming overly aggressive and pushy, a good dose of self righteousness can enter into this as
well.  I guess it’s obvious Mr. Cheney has not found the balance and we can see on which side of
negative one he has fallen.  
Richard Bruce Cheney adds up to an 8 expression, he also has an 8 motivation.  An eight
motivation is about being motivated mainly by a desire for power and control over others.  It
indicates ambition for authority, position and material success.  Fits so far doesn’t it?  A positive 8
expression indicates potential for reaching great heights in business and finance.  It would also
indicate someone who knows how to handle power, is fair in their dealings and achieves success
through quickly recognizing opportunities and moving in on them.  A negative 8 expression
indicates someone who likes to call the shots and thinks all the rules are made by them.  Wealth
and power can lead to greed and ruthlessness.  Numerology is pretty amazing, isn’t it?

I find it interesting he accepted being Vice President, his chart would indicate he wouldn’t settle
for anything less than President.  He probably really has been the one calling the shots and W has
been  merely the mouth piece.  Of course, Mr. Bush probably is not consciously aware of this.

Isn’t it interesting that in previous administrations our vice presidents were highly visible and
stood in for the president at various functions and events, and in this one, our vice president has
hardly ever been seen?  It would seem, to me at least, that in these dangerous times the president
should be the one whose life is the most protected.  Homeland Security must be Cheney’s pet
project whose main function has been guaranteeing the survival of the vice president.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM and at Coffee Bazaar on Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of
readings I do, etc.

Nov. ‘08
Sorry this is being done so close to THE DAY, but I thought it would be interesting to look at
John McCain’s numbers.  He was born John Sidney McCain III on August 29, 1936.  His
Motivation Number (the sum of the vowels in his name) is a one.  The motivation number
represents the basic motivating force behind everything someone does. 

A one motivation indicates someone who wants to be the center of things and to assume the role
of leader and director.  This is also someone who prefers to work alone or be in command of
others who will do things precisely to their directions.  His Impression number (the sum of the
consonants) is a three.  Three Impressions ideally see themselves as “stars”, the center of public
adoration.  His four Expression (the sum of all the letters) would indicate a strong sense of self-
discipline and responsibility to fiends, family and country. 

He has two Karma (there are no twos; b, k, or t)  in his name.  This would indicate a lot of
difficulty in working in cooperation with others which, combined with his One Motivation, could
result in complete lack of patience with others and their view-points.  He could be stubborn and
self-righteous.  Throw in his six first sub-challenge which often results in someone being
dogmatic in opinions and beliefs and intolerant of other’s opinions; as well as his One second sub-
challenge which can add belligerence and aggression to the mix; without forgetting the Five
Major challenge which can contribute too much love of all that satisfies the five senses or a
tendency to abstain from all life’s pleasures...and you could have a well disciplined stubborn and
self righteous person who feels he needs to listen to no one’s advice and who might have a strong
urge to legislate responsibility and “abstinence” of various types.

Looking at that Five Major Challenge, let’s not forget that his present wife was once his mistress
for which he left his first wife.  Challenges can work either way, a tendency to “too much” or “too
little”  of something.  Of course, now Mr. McCain has the right “family values”.  If he were a
Democrat, every detail of his affair, divorce,  etc. would be all over the media.  Sorry, I tried to be
objective...really I did...

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM and at Coffee Bazaar on Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of
readings I do, etc.
Sept. ‘08
I decided it would be interesting to see what Barack Obama’s Numerology Chart can tell us about
him.  According to his birth certificate, he was born Barack Hussein Obama II, on August 4, 1961.

I’ll begin with his challenges.  His first minor challenge is 4 (month-8 minus day-4 equals 4).  His
second minor challenge is also 4  (1961 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 17 = 8, subtract the month, 4, = 4) .  A
four challenge can indicate either a tendency to lack discipline and be on the lazy side or, on the
flip side of the coin, to be rigid, over-disciplined and stubborn.  His major challenge is “0" which
can mean no major challenge or all challenges one through nine.  My instinct would be to say he
has no major challenges. 

All the vowels in his name add up to Nine, this would be his motivation in life.  It is also known
as the heart’s desire.  A nine motivation would indicate someone who is motivated by a need to
expand their consciousness and viewpoints to encompass all things.  There would be a dislike of
prejudice and a need to eliminate all traces of it in himself.  Humanitarian ideals of making the
world a better place for everyone would be his principle motivation.  The negative of this
motivation if a tendency spend one’s energies in so many directions at once that concrete results
are not achieved in any.

His impression number (all the consonants added together) is one.  This number is about how you
see yourself in the ideal.  A one impression indicates someone who sees him/herself as a pioneer
who can lead others in new directions. 

The expression, how one actually operates in the world, is obtained by adding all the letters in the
name together.  In Obama’s case, this is also a one.  On the positive this makes him a creative and
independent thinker who can pioneer new concepts and find new approaches to old situations.  He
is a natural leader who does not allow himself to be swayed by nonsense.  On the down side, ideas
can come faster than their practical applications and he needs to practice patience and not let
arrogance take over.

The only numerological vibration missing in his name is seven (no g, p, or y).  For him,
maintaining faith in himself would be difficult.  The one expression definitely goes a long way
towards helping him deal with this particular Karma.  He also has a one intensification, which
means he is willing to stand alone in his decisions if need be (one of the very few who voted
against the Iraq War). 

Altogether, this is someone I’m planning to vote for.  What he lacks in experience, he may just
make up for in his caring about the living conditions of all and in his willingness to make
decisions his fellow government leaders may not care for.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM and at Coffee Bazaar on Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of
readings I do, etc.

July ‘08
Just for fun, I’m going to continue playing with our president’s numerology (some of his
Numerology was part of my column on the Challenges).  The more of it I do, the more (God help
me) I understand.  It’s obvious to me that Mr. Bush never worked to overcome some of his innate
tendencies.  His full name is: GEORGE WALKER BUSH. The vibration that is  missing in his
name is 4 (no D, M, or V).  Four karma would mean great difficulty in self discipline, a tendency
toward being stubborn and lazy; and lastly: finding the basic organization of things to be a bore.
We shouldn’t be surprised at the lack of logical structure of the Medi-Care Drug Program, or the
lack of any logic to his energy policies, as well the lack of a any long term strategy in the Iraq
War.  For that matter, it’s not surprising he would start a war without any real basis in facts to
justify it.  Remember, this is compounded by the four second sub-challenge.  He certainly is
stubborn with a tendency to take shortcuts. 

He only has one six in a sixteen letter name and that six is an “O”.  Although he has a sense of
loyalty to family and “friends”, he would also tend to be close minded and “prejudiced”, seeing
only his point of view in terms of who is worthy and who is not.  The first letter of the first name
is called the cornerstone, it is a strong component of the foundation on which life is built.  A
seven cornerstone on the positive would be a foundation built on genuine faith.  On the negative it
would be one built on escapism, a tendency to substance addiction being one factor, and, what a
surprise....a tendency toward self-righteousness.  It has been my observation over the many years
that I have been doing readings that many people get rid of one addiction by embracing another.
Many of the fundamentalists and other extreme Christians I have met over the years were
reformed alcoholics and drug addicts.  Doesn’t that just fit?  Another aspect of the “G”
cornerstone is that it faces it’s back to the past.  People with “G” cornerstones have a lot of
difficulty examining, and learning from, the past 

He is also not overburdened with real empathy.  Someone who has to work for things in his
formative years and who is held responsible for his actions could learn empathy and real social
consciousness with only Two nines in a sixteen letter name.  Someone who has always had an
easy ride and never has been held truly accountable for his own actions most likely won’t. 

Mr. Bush has four fives in his name.  He doesn’t have more than two letters of any other
vibration.  This means he has a five intensification.  Five intensification would indicate a “party”
personality.  Hard to imagine, but remember our president was an alcoholic and cocaine addict for
years (remember the big deal over any Democratic candidate’s past use of marijuana).  Now “W”
just has an addiction to absolute power.  I’m also willing to bet, if one could dig hard enough, he
has certainly had more than one bed partner in his life, and maybe even an illegitimate child or
two somewhere.

My next column will deal with either Mr. Obama’s or Mr. McCain’s chart. 

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Weds. and Fri. through Sun., at 8:00PM and at
Coffee Bazaar Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .
Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

June ‘08

As promised, this month I will talk about the master numbers; eleven and twenty-two.

Eleven is the vibration of idealism, it is visionary and guided by intuition and revelation.  It can
be artistic and inventive genius.  It is a difficult vibration to maintain in its highest form, but can
only work when it is.  The negative aspects of eleven can surface as fanaticism, lack of purpose,
delusions of grandeur, abuse of power and the ever present; “my ideals and beliefs are the only
correct ones that everyone must live by”. 

In an eleven personal year, be prepared to be galvanized, emotional, to put your artistic talents
into practice, expand your consciousness, to achieve new heights in ideas, intellect and creativity.
You can influence others for the better and even attain some degree of fame and recognition.
The material rewards are likely to come in the three personal year as opposed to the eleven year
itself.  Again, let me emphasize the vibration must be maintained in its most positive form.  The
fall from positive eleven results in going to negative two, not pretty.

Twenty-two is practical idealism, it is practical genius, mastery of the material with the good of
all humanity as the goal.  It is also philanthropy and power on all levels.  The negative aspects
would be get rich quick schemes, material greed, abuse of power and fascism, it is also
exploitation and crime.

A twenty two personal year is when your wildest dreams and your most profound hopes can
come true.  Under this vibration your highest ideals may be put into practical form.  It is a year to
put your ideals to work, lay big plans, dare to introduce big changes.  Material reward are usually
part of your success under this vibration.  As with eleven, the fall from the positive height of this
vibration goes to negative four.  Again, not pretty.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM and at Coffee Bazaar on Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of
readings I do, etc.

May ‘08

We all need ways to relieve the tension in our lives.  According to the laws of Numerology, fully
realizing and living up to the achievement number is one way to rid oneself of tension in the life.
The achievement number must be accomplished as it is the primary reason for existence in this
lifetime.  This most important of numbers in life is obtained by adding the month of birth to the
day of birth.  This number is, of course, reduced to a single digit unless it adds up to 11 or 22.
My column next month will be devoted to the two master numbers 11 and 22.

In my case, I was born February 10th.  This would make my achievement number 3.  Those of
you who have met me know I certainly have no problems expressing myself and being before the
public.  This wasn’t always true.  Three achievement means I have to master how to be seen,
heard, and entertaining on top of it.  Doing readings, particularly at the RRR, and writing this
column are two ways of doing this.   Although winning Lotto would do an even better job, I do
admit that since I have started to live up to my achievement number, life is smoother and less

One achievement would mean needing to achieve individuality, independence (making important
decisions yourself); living up to, and standing up for, your convictions.  Willingly taking on
leadership roles.   Two achievement is about working in cooperative endeavors, handling
situations diplomatically while seeing both sides.  Two enables harmony and cooperation.
We’ve covered three.  Four are the builders, the ones who deal with the practical and physical
aspects of our world.  This would include scientists, accountants, home builders, farmers, etc.  By
living up to the four vibration of discipline and construction, great contributions can be made.
Living up to the five achievement requires willingness to adapt to constant change as well as
grabbing opportunities when they appear.  You’re also the one to run with new ideas as well as
sell them.  Six is a tough one, it takes responsibility for the welfare of others, it’s about service.
Social work, teaching, counseling...etc. would be under this number.  Six, like three, can also be
about bringing beauty and harmony through art or entertainment.  Seven is another tough one;
it’s about developing the mind.  Researchers, theologians, philosophers; those who set the
foundations for new developments and theories from computer programs to medicine to new
interpretations of history.  Eight is about financial success and power, obviously the proper use of
them.  You need to learn to think big, use good judgment and have the confidence to totally
pursue your goals.   Nine is a touchy vibration.  It’s about learning to give and forget the giving,
while not giving more than you can afford.  It deals with being of service in a bit of a bigger
picture.  This would be the people who organize and run the service institutions.  It would also be
those who take up causes, large or small, and inspire others to be of service. 

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM and at Coffee Bazaar on Weds. from 3:30PM to 7:00PM.    I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of
readings I do, etc.

April ‘08

In this column, I’ll be talking about the challenges.  These indicate the stumbling blocks in your
life and are calculated from your birth date.  There are three of them, the first two are called the
subchallenges and the third is the major challenge.  To figure out your first subchallenge subtract
your day of birth from your month of birth (or vise versa), the second subchallenge is the day of
birth subtracted from the year of birth and the major challenge is the result of subtracting the
subchallenges from each other.   I’m going to use our present president’s birth date as an

                        7        6         1946
                                             (7)             (6)        (2)

                        1st subchallenge   2nd subchallenge        
              1                                  4
              Major challenge

The subchallenges tend to have their strongest effects during the early years, the major is the
strongest influence and it stays in equal force through the whole life. 
    One is the challenge of independence.  People, especially men, will try to push you
around and control your life.  You’ll need to work on keeping a balance between not allowing
yourself to be pushed around and becoming overly aggressive and pushy yourself.
    Two is the challenge of supersensitivity.  You would tend to be sensitive, easily hurt, and
self conscious.  You must learn to work in cooperation with others, but not to the point of giving
in totally or letting yourself be led.  You also need to stop referring everything to yourself and
your own feelings.
    Three is the challenge of social contact.  Social interaction may be so frightening to you
that you can become antisocial.  On the flip side, you could be outrageous, obnoxious and talk
altogether too much. 
    Four is the challenge of self-discipline.  You can tend to be lazy, careless, disorderly and
disorganized.  Again, you can take the flip side and be rigid, over-scheduled, stubborn and anal
    Five is the challenge of over-indulgence and change.  You can tend toward addiction, not
just to drugs and alcohol, but food, cigarette, sex.....anything.  You can also be very fickle.  On
the reverse, you can be prudish and abstain from most of life’s pleasures as well as hang on to
people and situations way after they have become a burden.
    Six is the challenge of intolerance.  You can be a victim of your own idealism and feel
you have all the answers which results in your being dogmatic in your opinions, assuming
responsibilities that are not yours. 
      Seven is the challenge of fear.  You tend to be skeptical of the spiritual aspects of life
and have trouble developing any kind of personal philosophy to justify your existence and relate
yourself to the world around you.  You can place your entire focus on the material aspects of life.
You may fall into bouts of depression, fear and loneliness.  You can also tend to abuse alcohol or
    Eight is the challenge of materialism.  You tend to be obsessed with material security.
You can on one side be a scrooge or miser or on the flip side, always spend every penny.  You
may also be tempted to resort to unscrupulous business practices.
    There is no nine challenge.  No single digit can be subtracted from another and equal
    When I first played with “W”s numerology, the 3 major challenge came as no surprise
and certainly explains quite a bit about him.  As noted above, three is the challenge of social
interaction and communication in general.  Someone with a three major challenge can bounce
between being completely withdrawn and non-communicative to over communicating in an
obnoxious and outrageous manner.  Mr. Bush does both.  He goes from totally secretive to
obnoxiously and self righteously expressing how right he is and how all his policies are for our
I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

March ‘08

Your house or business address number attracts certain vibrations and/or lessons to you.  The
same principal of reducing the numbers to a single digit applies here.  For example, my house
number is 17373; 1 + 7 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 21 which reduces to 3.  I run a large part of my business
from home.  I deal with the public, communicate a great deal and do enjoy the friendships I have.
Three is communication, being before the public and socializing.  It is also creativity, my second
business involves making and selling earrings.  I could not have found a more perfect house

I was once asked by a client what I thought of 6 as the street number for his business. The
business in question was a bed and breakfast, I responded that it could be the perfect vibration.
What was needed was to create a space that would make people feel at home and nurtured.  Six is
about service and home environment.  Four, which not only deals with structure and discipline,
but also with land and the practical aspects of life, is an excellent number for a real estate
business, a farm or a construction company.  Eight (double 4) is also a good number for these
businesses as long as you realize that you will have to use excellent judgment at all times.  Eight
will also help attract profit.  As far as house numbers are concerned, four will work for you as
long as you keep structure and discipline in mind; eight will work as long as you maintain good
judgment as well as discipline.  Four, eight and six are good for settling down, five will attract a
lot of activity, change and opportunity.  It can work, as long as you’re always prepared to grab
opportunities, handle change and the unexpected well, and don’t have too much of a tendency to
overdo partying and substances.  A one house number would be good for new beginnings, as well
as developing independence and assertiveness.  It would also work for a unique type of business,
as well as require  an assertive approach to attracting customers.  Two is about partnerships and
cooperation.  It would attract those opportunities.  Seven is a difficult vibration.  It would suit
those who like to spend a lot of time alone, enjoy meditation, need to do a lot of studying and/or
research.  It would probably work well for a book store, church, meditation center, or store that
deals with things like scented candles and incense.  I would find nine a difficult house number, I
am too emotional to handle a vibration that may magnify emotions.  Nine is also about being of
service, be prepared to attract those opportunities.  This is a good vibration for charities, clinics,
non-profits, etc. (six can work for these as well).

The information I give in this column is accurate, but more or less an abbreviated version.  It
would be impossible to cover every detail.  I invite my readers to feel free to forward any
questions to my email address below.  I will respond and may include them in this column.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.


This month I am going to discuss the influence of the Universal Year.  In January 2008, we
entered a One Universal Year (2 + 8 = 10 = 1).

2007 was a nine universal year which marks the end of an old cycle.  We’ve seen some of those
indications in the US as it seems the majority of the population has finally realized that the
policies of the present administration have proven to be a disaster as we are no safer than we
were in 2001 and the majority of working people are worse off economically than they were then.
Setting up truly well for the one universal year on an international level would have required
much more setting aside of petty concerns and power issues, as well as carrying over less
unfinished business than what has actually occurred.  For example, that there even was a “Kyoto
Agreement” is progress...but it still has not been completed and enacted.

The One Universal Year marks the beginning of a new era, a new nine year cycle of events on a
worldwide level.  It calls for strong, decisive and courageous leadership.  It’s a rhythm for
pioneering new ideas and charting new courses.  It’s particularly important that each citizen get
involved.  Don’t just go out and vote, but think first.  Which candidate is most likely to respond
to the needs of the people?  Start grass roots of my favorite ideas is for all
citizens to demand an end to the influence of the lobbyists in Washington.  Demand an end to
Health Care run by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, as well as an end to energy
policies created and pushed by the oil companies.  When you don’t like the policies of a business,
if at all possible, don’t patronize it.  I’d rather go to thrift stores to save money than shop at Wall-
Mart.  There are economical big box stores, such as Costco, that pay decently and provide decent
benefits packages.  Where we choose to shop can be a step towards creating positive change.  For
example, if a majority of people buy their wines from environmentally responsible wineries, the
others will have to create change in their growing practices in order to be competitive.

The influence of what is begun this year will be felt for the next eight years.  It’s not just about
voting or pushing our leaders in the right directions, it’s also about making choices in our every
day lives about what we choose to support and consume that will set this new cycle in the right

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

Dec. 07

In my first two columns I covered how to figure out your personal year and what you should be
striving for in each.  Circumstances sometimes force us to make decisions and/or do things that
we are not in the best personal year to do.  For example, find a new job during a seven year.  If its
possible to do that during an eight, one, or five personal month and day, it helps.  The personal
month is found by adding your personal year to the calendar month.  For example in 2008, I am
in a four personal year, which means that in January, I am in a five personal month. 1 + 4  which
equals 5.  To figure out your personal day, you add the personal month to the calendar day.  On
January 1st , I am in a six personal day.  5 + 1 = 6. 

If you have not read the first two columns, this one will not make much sense, so for those of you
who may have missed them, please send me an email at  I will be more
than happy to email them to you.  These columns, describe  the basic meanings of each number
and what you need to be striving in each personal year.  Those meanings hold true for the
personal month and day, while keeping in mind the personal year is the umbrella vibration.

You can, in the process of pursuing certain goals, enhance the number year you’re in.  For
example, an eight personal day during an eight month and year is ideal for pursuing things to do
with career and finances.  A triple seven is probably most ideal for a meditation retreat.  A double
or triple three would be great for any public appearances or starting a new romance. 

If for example, as I once had to do, you need to pursue a new work opportunity in a seven year,
actively pursuing it is best done in a one, five or eight personal month.  A three might work too.
I needed to get my business started in my new home town at the end of my seven year.  I had all
my ducks in a row in November.  I also knew that the combination of a seven year and nine
month was much less than ideal.  I waited until the beginning of December which was a one
month.  I chose a three or eight personal day.  As I am successfully still at the RRR. doing
readings today, it worked.  The same strategy would work in a nine year as well. 

As I would enjoy periodically doing an advice column, please feel free to email timing questions.
I will try to respond to everyone, and some would appear in this column. 

My next column will most likely be dealing with the influence of the universal year.    
I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

Nov. 07
Last month, I explained how to calculate your personal year and what you should be striving to
achieve in each year.  For those of you who may  have missed this column, I can email it to you
on request.  As promised, this column will cover each personal year as it specifically relates to
romance and physical health. 

The one personal year tends to be about personal achievements and it’s important to maintain
independence and personal integrity.  A relationship begun in a one year is likely to be around for
the nine year cycle.  Choose wisely and carefully.  In terms of health, the head and sense organs
tend to be vulnerable.  The two personal year may not be the best for starting a new relationship
as you tend to be very sensitive and may fall in and out of love easily.  It is, however, a good year
for deepening existing ties with friends and lovers.  Physically, the nervous system is vulnerable
as are the kidneys.  The three year often brings a positive change in romance.  As you’re likely to
be at your most charming and communicative, it is a good year for starting a new romantic
relationship.  Physically the throat, liver and glands are vulnerable.  Control the tendency to over-
consume food and alcohol.  The four year is the year to put any love relationship on solid ground.
Should you start a new romantic relationship, it would need to be with a solid person with whom
you can build a lasting union.  Make sure you’re getting ample calcium and minerals in your diet
as the teeth and bones are vulnerable under this vibration.  In the five year, the chances of starting
a serious long-term love relationship are minimal.  It is however, a great year for short fun
affairs.  We do seem to emanate something under the five vibration that makes us very “sexy”.
There is a tendency towards carelessness and accidents in a five  year.  The sex organs are
particularly vulnerable so pay special attention to practicing safe sex.  The six year is a good year
for making a long-term commitment in love.  Chronic illnesses tend to develop under this
vibration, check-ups and paying attention to anything out of the ordinary is a good idea.  As
seven is an introspective year, it is not particularly conducive to romance.  It is particularly
important to keep in mind that anything you actively pursue on the physical plane under this
vibration is unlikely to be caught.  You can attract people to you, but this is achieved by just
being there.  Health-wise, you need to make sure you get plenty of rest under this vibration, as
you will tend to tire easily.  In your eight year, if you’re doing it right, chances are the energy for
starting any new romance is just not there.  In terms of health, the digestive tract is vulnerable.  It
is also the year for paying particular attention to “girth control” as weight is easily gained under
this vibration.  The nine year has a tendency to be an emotional roller coaster, not the best time to
start a new romance.  It is also a vibration that deals with endings.  Relationships broken during
the nine year tend to stay broken for at least nine years.  Physically, there is risk of physical
exhaustion, fevers and accidents. 

As we are sometimes forced by circumstances to make decisions and changes without the benefit
of waiting for the right personal year to do them in, my next column will deal with personal
months and days.  Using this information can enhance the chances of positive outcomes.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

Oct. ‘07
Numerology is the psychic science of numbers. In terms of the forecasts of your life, it gives
essentially the same information as Astrology, but can be calculated using simple math.  All that
is needed for the formulation of a numerology chart is the name on your birth certificate and your
date of birth.  Through the use of simple math formulas, you can find your life’s challenges, your
strengths and weaknesses, as well as special talents.  In addition, you can calculate what you
should be striving to achieve in any given year and cycle.  As we are approaching the end of 2007
and the start of 2008, I’m dedicating this column to the personal year. 

Keeping in mind that in Numerology, all numbers reduce to a number from 1 through 9,
excepting for 11 and 22 (to be addressed in a future column), the personal year is arrived at by
adding your month and day of birth to the universal year (2007 = 9).  For example, my month and
day of birth are 2/10.  I would figure out my personal year by adding:  2 + 10 + 2007 = 2019 or 2
+ 1 + 9 which equals 12.  This further reduces to 3. 

Following are the basic meanings of the numbers one through nine as apply to the personal year.
1 is creation; the start of a new 9 year cycle.  It is the opportunity to formulate and start the gears
in motion for a new direction or long term project.  2 is germination; this is the year for nurturing
what you started the previous year.  Best results are obtained by slow growth and cooperation
with others.  3 is expression; this is the year to express yourself and make new contacts.  You can
expect recognition for the ideas and abilities you began to cultivate in your 1.  4 is construction;
this is the year for facing physical reality.  Make sure all your ideas are usefully and practically
applied.  Set the foundations for future security.  5 is re-creation; this year is the apex and turning
point in the nine year cycle.  A good year for surprises and taking chances.  Eliminate people and
conditions that are holding you back.  6 is adjustment; this year you are the one who must adjust
to others and create your own social balance.  A good year for accepting binding ties.  7 is
assimilation; this is a quiet and introspective year during which you should strive to seek mastery
over your own intellect and the things you are trying to accomplish. 8 is freedom; this is a power
year.  Think big, stick to your goals, expand and branch out while making sure you’re using good
judgement.  Go after the financial rewards.  9 is fulfillment; this year concludes the current nine
year cycle and begins to forecast the direction for the next one.  “Clean house” literally and
figuratively.  It is an emotional year that often includes a lot of “endings”.

My next column will deal with each personal year as it pertains to romantic relationships and
physical health.  The third column will deal with personal months and days to further fine-tune
your ability to take certain actions at the most opportune times.  All this information will appear
in time to help with your New Year’s resolutions.

I have been a professional reader for thirty years and can be found at the Russian River Resort in
Guerneville doing readings in the game room Wednesdays and Friday through Sunday starting at
8:00PM.  I can be contacted at .  Check out my web site,, for my bio, schedule, types of readings I do, etc.

All Copyrights are maintained and these articles may not be republished, copied, e-mailed or transmitted in any way with express permission.
Feel free to link to these pages in information you send to others, whether here or on the WE THE PEOPLE pages.  You may save them for your personal use.  These articles were published in "We The People" and can be found on their web pages.

July ‘05

Numerology is the psychic science of numbers. It gives essentially the same information in terms of the forecasts of your life as Astrology, but can be calculated using simple math. All that is needed for the formulation of a numerology chart is the name on your birth certificate and your date of birth. Through the use of simple math formulas, you can find out your life’s challenges, your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your special talents. In addition, you can calculate what you should be striving to achieve in any given year and cycle. This column will be dedicated to your personal year.

Keeping in mind that in numerology, all numbers reduce to a number from 1 through 9, excepting for 11 and 22 (to be addressed in a future column), the personal year is arrived at by adding your month and day of birth to the universal year (2005 = 7). For example, my month and day of birth are 2/10. I would figure out my personal year by adding: 2 + 10 + 2005 = 2017 or 2 + 1 + 7 which equals 10. This further reduces to 1.

Following are the basic meanings of the numbers one through nine as apply to the personal year. 1 is creation; the start of a new 9 year cycle. It is the opportunity to formulate and start the gears in motion for a new direction or long term project. 2 is germination; this is the year for nurturing what you started the previous year. Best results are obtained by slow growth and cooperation with others. 3 is expression; this is the year to express yourself and make new contacts. You can expect recognition for the ideas and abilities you began to cultivate in your 1. 4 is construction; this is the year for facing physical reality. Make sure all your ideas are usefully and practically applied. Set the foundations for future security. 5 is re-creation; this year is the apex and turning point in the nine year cycle. A good year for surprises and taking chances. Eliminate people and conditions that are holding you back. 6 is adjustment; this year you are the one who must adjust to others and create your own social balance. A good year for accepting binding ties. 7 is assimilation; this is a quiet and introspective year during which you should strive to seek mastery over your own intellect and the things you are trying to accomplish. 8 is freedom; this is a power year. Think big, stick to your goals, expand and branch out. Go after the financial rewards. 9 is fulfillment; this year concludes the current nine year cycle and begins to forecast the direction for the next one. "Clean house" literally and figuratively. It is an emotional year that often includes a lot of "endings".

In the next column, I will cover each personal year as it specifically relates to romance and physical health. In future columns, I will also cover personal months and days to further fine-tune your best times for taking certain actions.

I studied Numerology under Vera Scott Johnson (well known numerologist and author of "The Secret of Numbers") over thirty years ago. I have been giving professional palm, Tarot and Numerological readings for the last thirty years. I currently live and work in Guerneville where many call me the "Russian River Psychic". Should you have any questions, suggestions for future columns or wish to enquire about having a numerology chart or other reading done, please contact me.


August ‘05

In my last column, I explained how to figure out your personal and what you should be striving to achieve in each year. For those of you who might have missed this column, I can email it to you on request. As promised, this column will cover each personal year as it specifically relates to romance and physical health.

The one personal year tends to be about personal achievements and it’s important to maintain independence and personal integrity. A relationship begun in a one year is likely to be around for the nine year cycle. Choose wisely and carefully. In terms of health, the head and sense organs tend to be vulnerable. The two personal year may not be the best for starting a new relationship as you tend to be very sensitive and may fall in and out of love easily. It is, however, a good year for deepening existing ties with friends and lovers. Physically, the nervous system is vulnerable as are the kidneys. The three year often brings a positive change in romance. As you can often be at your most charming and communicative, it is a good year for starting a new romance. Physically the throat, liver and glands are vulnerable. Control the tendency to over consume food and alcohol. The four year is the year to put any love relationship on solid ground. Should you start a new romantic relationship, it would need to be with a solid person with whom you can build a lasting union. Make sure you’re getting ample calcium and minerals in your diet as the teeth and bones are vulnerable under this vibration. In the five year, the chances of starting a serious long-term love relationship are minimal. It is however, a great year for short fun affairs. We do seem to emanate something under the five vibration that makes us very "sexy". There is a tendency towards carelessness and accidents in this year. The sex organs are particularly vulnerable so pay special attention to practicing safe sex. The six year is a good year for making a long-term commitment in love. Chronic illnesses tend to develop under this vibration, check-ups and paying attention to anything out of the ordinary is a good idea. As seven is an introspective year, it is not particularly conducive to romance. It is particularly important to keep in mind that anything you actively pursue on the physical plane doesn’t get caught. You can attract people to you, but this achieved by you just being there. Health-wise, you need to make sure you get plenty of rest under this vibration, as you will tend to tire easily. In your eight year, if you’re doing it right, chances are the energy for starting any new romance is just not there. In terms of health, the digestive tract is vulnerable. It is also the year for paying particular attention to "girth control" as weight is easily gained under this vibration. The nine year has a tendency to be an emotional roller coaster, not the best time to start a new romance. It is also a vibration that deals with endings. Relationships broken during the nine year tend to stay broken for at least nine years. Physically, there is risk of physical exhaustion, fevers and accidents.

As we are sometimes forced by circumstances to make changes without the benefit of waiting for the right personal year to do them in, my next column will deal with personal months and days. Using this information can enhance the chances of positive outcomes.

Christine has been giving numerological, palm, and tarot readings for over 30 years. Currently, she offers her services at the Russian River Resort in Guerneville Weds. - Sun. evenings and is available for private readings as well. She can be reached at .

Sept. ‘05

As promised, this month I will talk about personal months and days. In my first two columns I covered how to figure out your personal year and what you should be striving for in each year. Circumstances sometimes force us to do things that we are not in the best personal year to do. For example, find a new job during a seven year. If its possible to do that during an eight, one, or five personal month and day, it helps. The personal month is found by adding your personal year to the calendar month. For example, I am in a one personal year, which means that in September, I am in a one personal month. 1 + 9 = 10 which equals 1. To figure out your personal day, you add the personal month to the calendar day. On September 1st, I am in a two personal day. 1 + 1 = 2.

If you have not read my first two columns, this one will not make much sense, so for those of you who may have missed them, please send me an email at I will be more than happy to email them to you. In those columns, you have the basic meanings of each number. Those meanings hold true for the personal month and day, while keeping in mind the personal year is the umbrella vibration.

You can, in pursuing certain goals, enhance the number year you’re in. For example, an eight personal day during an eight month and year is ideal for pursuing things to do with career and finances. A triple seven is probably most ideal for a meditation retreat. A double or triple three would be great for any public appearances or starting a new romance.

If for example, as I had to do, you need to pursue a new work opportunity in a seven year, actively pursuing it is best done in a one, five or eight personal month. A three might work too. I needed to get my business started in my new home town at the end of my seven year. I had all my ducks in a row in November. I also knew that the combination of a seven year and nine month was much less than ideal. I waited until the beginning of December which was a one month. I chose a three or eight personal day. As I am successfully still at the RRR doing readings today, it worked. The same strategy would work in a nine year as well.

As I would love to periodically do an advice column, please feel free to email timing questions. I will try to respond to everyone, and some would appear in the column.

Next month, I will talk about what your house or business street number is attracting to you. I will in future columns be discussing life challenges, destiny and achievement numbers.


October ‘05

Your house or business address number attracts certain vibrations and/or lessons to you. The same principal of reducing the numbers to a single digit applies here. For example, my house number is 17373; 1 + 7 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 21 which reduces to 3. I run a large part of my business from home. I deal with the public, communicate a great deal and do enjoy the friendships I have. Three is communication, being before the public and socializing. It is also creativity, my second business involves making and selling earrings. I could not have found a more perfect house number.

I was recently asked by a client what I thought of 6 as the street number for his business. When he told me the business in question was a bed and breakfast, I responded that it could be the perfect vibration. All he needed to do was to create a space that made people feel at home and nurtured. Six is about service and home environment. Four, which not only deals with structure and discipline, but with land and the practical aspects of life as well, is an excellent number for a real estate business, a farm or a construction company. Eight (double 4) is also a good number for these businesses as long as you realize that you will have to use excellent judgment at all times. Eight will also help attract profit. As far as house numbers are concerned, four will work for you as long as you keep structure and discipline in mind; eight will work as long as you keep good judgment as well as discipline. Four, eight and six are good for settling down, five will attract a lot of activity, change and opportunity. It can work, as long as you’re always prepared to grab opportunities, handle change well, and don’t have too much of a tendency to overdo partying and substances. A one house number would be good for new beginnings, developing independence and assertiveness. It would also work for a unique type of business, as well as require an assertive approach to attracting customers. Two is about partnerships and cooperation. It would attract those opportunities. Seven is a difficult vibration. It would suit those who like to spend a lot of time alone, enjoy meditation, need to do a lot of studying and/or research. It would probably work well for a book store, church, meditation center, or store that deals with things like scented candles and incense. I would find nine a difficult house number, I am too emotional to handle a vibration that may magnify emotions. Nine is also about being of service, be prepared to attract those opportunities. This is a good vibration for charities, clinics, non-profits, etc. (six can work for these as well).

The information I give in this column is accurate, but more or less an abbreviated version. It would be impossible to cover every detail. I invite my readers to feel free to forward any questions you might have to me at the email address below.  I will respond and may include them in this column (without using your name). Next month, I will talk about how to find either your karma or challenge numbers.


November ‘05

This month, we’ll be dealing with the challenges. These indicate the stumbling blocks in your life and are calculated from your birth date. There are three of them, the first two are called the subchallenges and the third is the major challenge. To figure out your first subchallenge subtract your day of birth from your month of birth (or vise versa), the second subchallenge is the day of birth subtracted from the year of birth and the major challenge is the result of subtracting the subchallenges from each other. For example:

                2             10             1951

               (2)           (1)               (7)

     1st subchallenge     2nd subchallenge

                1                                6

                    Major challenge


The subchallenges tend to have their strongest effects during the early years, the major is the strongest influence and it stays in equal force through the whole life.

One is the challenge of independence. People, especially men, will try to push you around and control your life. You’ll need to work on keeping a balance between not allowing yourself to be pushed around and becoming overly aggressive and pushy yourself.

Two is the challenge of super-sensitivity. You would tend to be sensitive, easily hurt, and self conscious. You must learn to work in cooperation with others, but not to the point of giving in totally or letting yourself be led. You also need to stop referring everything to yourself and your own feelings.

Three is the challenge of social contact. Social interaction may be so frightening to you that you can become antisocial. On the flip side, you could be outrageous, obnoxious and talk altogether too much.

Four is the challenge of self-discipline. You can tend to be lazy, careless, disorderly and disorganized. Again, you can take the flip side and be rigid, over-scheduled, stubborn and anal retentive.

Five is the challenge of over-indulgence and change. You can tend toward addiction, not just to drugs and alcohol, but food, cigarettes, sex.....anything. You can also be very fickle. On the reverse, you can be prudish and abstain from most of life’s pleasures as well as hang on to people and situations way after they have become a burden.

Six is the challenge of intolerance. You can be a victim of your own idealism and feel you have all the answers which results in your being dogmatic in your opinions, assuming responsibilities that are not yours.

Seven is the challenge of fear. You tend to be skeptical of the spiritual aspects of life and have trouble developing any kind of personal philosophy to justify your existence and relate yourself to to the world around you. You can place your entire focus on the material aspects of life. You may fall into bouts of depression, fear and loneliness. You can also tend to abuse alcohol or drugs.

Eight is the challenge of materialism. You tend to be obsessed with material security. You can on one side be a scrooge or miser or on the flip side, always spend every penny. You may also be tempted to resort to unscrupulous business practices.

There is no nine challenge. No single digit can be subtracted from another and equal nine.

I haven’t decided what next month’s topic will be yet. If any of you have a preference, please email me. I’m considering either the destiny or achievement number.


December ‘05

We all need ways to relieve the tension in our lives. According to the laws of Numerology, fully realizing and living up to the achievement number is one way to rid oneself of tension in the life. The achievement number must be accomplished in, it is the primary reason for existence in this lifetime. This most important of numbers in life is obtained by adding the month of birth to the day of birth. This number is, of course, reduced to a single digit unless it adds up to 11 or 22. My column next month will be devoted to the two master numbers 11 and 22.

In my case, I was born February 10th. This would make my achievement number 3. Those of you who have met me know I certainly have no problems expressing myself and being before the public. This wasn’t always true. Three achievement means I have to master how to be seen, heard, and entertaining on top of it. Doing readings, particularly at the RRR, and writing this column are two ways of doing this. Although winning Lotto would do an even better job, I do admit that since I have started to live up to my achievement number, life is smoother and less tense.

One achievement would mean needing to achieve individuality, independence (making important decisions yourself); living up to, and standing up for, your convictions. Willingly taking on leadership roles. Two achievement is about working in cooperative endeavors, handling situations diplomatically while seeing both sides. Two enables harmony and cooperation. We’ve covered three. Four are the builders, the ones who deal with the practical and physical aspects of our world. This would include scientists, accountants, farmers, etc. By living up to the four vibration of discipline and construction, great contributions can be made. Living up to the five achievement requires willingness to adapt to constant change as well as grabbing opportunities when they appear. You’re also the one to run with new ideas as well as sell them. Six is a tough one, it takes responsibility for the welfare of others, it’s about service. Social work, teaching, counseling...etc. would be under this number. Six, like three, can also be about bringing beauty and harmony through art or entertainment. Seven is another tough one; it’s about developing the mind. Researchers, theologians, philosophers; those who set the foundations for new developments and theories from computer programs to medicine to new interpretations of history. Eight is about financial success and power, obviously the proper use of them. You need to learn to think big, use good judgment and have the confidence to totally pursue your goals. Nine is a touchy vibration. It’s about learning to give and forget the giving, while not giving more than you can afford. It deals with being of service in a bit of a bigger picture. This would be the people who organize and run the service institutions. It would also be those who take up causes, large or small, and inspire others to be of service.

Remember, if you have questions, send me an email.


January ‘06

This month, instead of covering the master numbers, I have decided to discuss the influence of the Universal Year. In January of 2006, we are going into an 8 universal year. 2005 has been a 7. I will deal with the master numbers in my next column so that those of you entering an 11 or 22 year will have an idea of how to manifest the right things for yourselves.

A Seven year is a time for assimilation and the digestion of the previous six years. It’s supposed to be a time for perfecting the results of past efforts. The seven rhythm forbids force in any direction. Of course, under this vibration a lot of things are obscure and there is some confusion, fear and insecurity. Some of this may manifest through disputes within and between nations. The seven vibration also deals with faith issues and ideals. All of this doesn’t mean we all agree with the ideals and/or beliefs of those with the power to make them National Policy. During the past six years we have seen a movement towards more extremism in religious beliefs, including in our own country’s conservative Christians. We have seen International movement towards a world consciousness regarding Global Warming, movements in many countries to legalize gay marriage as a matter of equal human rights, continued increase in extremism amongst the radical Muslims as well as continued increase in trying to place our own country under the control of Christian Right policies.

We are now entering an eight universal year. The eight year is a time to branch out and think big. (A positive thing if we’re talking the Kyoto Agreement, a bad thing if we’re talking right wing takeover of the Supreme Court.) On the positive, the 8 year is one for creating prosperity, on the negative we will harvest the seeds of the tax cuts combined with the cost of the war in Iraq. Again, on the positive, an eight universal year can help bring general populations into full consciousness of what’s going on around them and the energy to find their voices and take action. In an eight year the hidden surfaces and often breaks out with a "bang"; expect more scandals, more exposure of secret policies and documents.....maybe Cheney will resurface and be seen around DC. We may, and hopefully "will", see new and innovative businesses being formed, the growth of alternative energy sources and the signing of the Kyoto Agreement (with or without the US). It is important that in this year we raise our voices, loudly and clearly, to stop the "Christian" right from taking over and legitimatising torture, progressively taking away more and more from education, the elderly, the poor and turning the middle class into the working poor. The eight year may just create the opportunity to turn things around....we can but hope.

Happy 2006, a year for thinking big and creating change.



February ‘06

As promised, this month I will talk about the master numbers; eleven and twenty-two. First, I’d like to dedicate a few words to many people’s favorite question: "Why didn’t Christine predict the flood?" If we psychics could accurately read the things that effect us directly, we would only enter into good stable long-term relationships. (We don’t, ask Sylvia Brown if you don’t believe me.) Unfortunately, when an event effects our lives directly, unless our actual lives are at risk, things are a blur. I could pick up on the panic, the hope, but not the reality. I was desperately hoping we would not flood as it would negatively impact not only me and my livelihood, but the lives of a lot of people I deeply care for as well. Sorry. I would only have been able to see it if it directly threatened my life or that of others I care for.

Eleven is the vibration of idealism, it is visionary and guided by intuition and revelation. It can be artistic and inventive genius. It is a difficult vibration to maintain in its highest form, but can only work when it is. The negative aspects of eleven can surface as fanaticism, lack of purpose, delusions of grandeur, abuse of power and the ever present; "my ideals and beliefs are the only correct ones that everyone must live by".

In an eleven personal year, be prepared to be galvanized, emotional, to put your artistic talents into practice, expand your consciousness, to achieve new heights in ideas, intellect and creativity. You can influence others for the better and even attain some degree of fame and recognition. The material rewards are likely to come in the three personal year as opposed to the eleven year itself. Again, let me emphasize the vibration must be maintained in its most positive form. The fall from positive eleven results in going to negative two, not pretty.

Twenty-two is practical idealism, it is practical genius, mastery of the material with the good of all humanity as the goal. It is also philanthropy and power on all levels. The negative aspects would be get rich quick schemes, material greed, abuse of power and fascism, it is also exploitation and and crime.

A twenty two personal year is when your wildest dreams and your most profound hopes can come true. Under this vibration your highest ideals may be put into practical form. It is a year to put your ideals to work, lay big plans, dare to introduce big changes. Material reward are usually part of your success under this vibration. As with eleven, the fall from the positive height of this vibration goes to negative four. Again, not pretty.

Until the Russian River Resort is back up and running, please email Christine  for information on how to arrange for for a tarot or palm reading or a numerological chart. She is, as always, available for private readings and parties.

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